Monday, September 29, 2008

Email versus the Postal Service


Almost seems like a "Fight the Power" type of heading. But no, really, it's just more of a comparative analysis I'm doing.

Email has--and only within the last decade or so--really eclipsed the postal service in day-to-day message sending. I mean really, snail mail is just useful for things like bills (the ones I can't get in email format), junk mail, and, well, postcards from people far away in hot sunny places that "Wish you were here." Ya, me too.

But, let's break down the Email / Postal Service into a quick comparison, give the Postal Service some props on what only they can do, and cover some advantages of the almighty electronic mail system.
What do they have in common?

1. Return address.
2. Recipient address.
3. Time/date stamps.
4. Carry information.

What can only the Post Office do?
1. Deliver a tangible product. (Just think: smoked salmon via email. Mmmm...tasty. lol)

Advantages to email?
1. Speed (yes, faster than a stamp).
2. Cost (less expensive, umm by far).
3. Bulk (10 million people with a click of the button).
4. No licking of the envelope (the greatest advantage of all).

My opinion of it all?
What would we do without email? It has become an integral part of the working world (the casual user tends to lean toward more instant gratification, like texting, IM'ing, social networks that pop up on your cell phone, etc.). But at one point, it was just a fad. Just like cell phones: twenty years ago, it was impractical to conduct consistent business with one. Now? Everything can be done on one; people are even foregoing home "land lines" and signing up for unlimited minutes.

Email is part of our world now, but what's the next evolution? Give it ten years, something new will come to replace it.

PS. If you want to see how it all works behind the scenes, check out this link: It gives you all types of great information and research in case you're bored and need to know more!


Droid116 said...

Excellent post.

Ziggy said...

Email does far exceed snail mail in way of benefits and will one day make the post office obsolete. I don’t question that at all but what I do wonder about is what you said “what's the next evolution” that’s the real question what will make email obsolete and when. In any case I like the snail mail because that’s how I get my movies ya go netflix.